
Reports can be generated for the currently open project.

Project Proposal Report

To export the project level proposal report, click on Reports and then Project Proposal Report.

The Project Proposal Report consists of a project summary (customer details, network map, list of links and BOM) and plans of each link (path profile, throughput, link summary, performance charts, climatic factors & losses and BOM).

FCC License Coordination

To export the information required for submission to the FCC Licensing Coordination body, click Reports, FCC License Coordination. The information will be exported to a CSV file, in the format required by Comsearch. This is only available for licensed band PTP links.

Project BOM Spreadsheet

To export the project level BOM spreadsheet, click on Reports and then Project BOM Spreadheet

The Project BOM Spreadsheet consists of a full project BOM tab and includes tabs for complete PTP, Switch, PMP ND, PMP SM, and individual PTP link BOMs